This website outlines the key tools and software packages developed from my research:
- FASTQ+: This format enhances the standard FASTQ file by integrating barcode information directly into the read name. This modification facilitates the harmonization of single-cell sequencing data across various platforms. FASTQ+ can be generated with PISA.
- PISA: A suite of programs specifically designed for preprocessing data from single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics. It efficiently processes FASTQ+, BAM, and BED files, and generates various feature counts and annotations.
- Yano: An R package that employs the spatial dissimilarity test method as its core algorithm. Yano is tailored for exploring various biological events in single-cell and spatial transcriptomics data, including alternative splicing, allele-specific gene expression, somatic variants and more, providing comprehensive insights into cellular dynamics.
- dST: An R package designed for zonation analysis and rankable cell-cell interaction analysis. This package is currently under development.
Workflows and Short Cases for scRNA-seq and Spatial Transcriptome
- From raw reads to gene counts (PISA)
- Annotate various features for alignment (PISA)
- Alternative splicing analysis for scRNA-seq (Yano)
- Allele-specific gene expression analysis for scRNA-seq (Yano)
- Annotating and prioritizing genetic variants for scRNA-seq (Yano)
- Perform alternative splicing analysis for multiple Visium samples (Yano)
- Select cells from reduction maps and spatial locations (dST)